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The Secret of the Bailey Bay Inn

by K.E. Calder

The Secret of the Bailey Bay Inn cover

  Weird things are happening at the Bailey Bay Inn. The old hotel is boarded up. It has been deserted for years. Or has it? Will does some research on the run-down building. He learns the truth about its terrible past. Now are Will and his friends in danger?


112 pages
Click here for reading level.

This book is part of the Deer Lake series.

To read the first chapter of The Secret of the Bailey Bay Inn, click here. Enjoy!

Other Tea Leaf Press books by K.E. Calder:
How to be a Frog Millionaire
The Stalker
The Prank
Why Me?
Class Trip
The Paper




























The Secret of the Bailey Bay Inn


Will Bergeron read the words printed on the yellow tape. It was tied all over the place. It blocked the front steps. It wrapped around the porch of the old hotel. Will lifted the tape and ducked under it. So did Kyle Jordan.
     "Cool!" said Kyle as he stepped onto the porch. "This place is total Blair Witch. Too bad I'm not filming this."
     The porch was much larger than it looked from the road. The gray wooden boards groaned under Will's feet. The wood had rotted in a couple of places, leaving small holes. The old hotel had tall windows. The white paint on the windowsills was peeling. Some of the glass was cracked. There was yellow tape across some of the windows, too.
     Will walked slowly down one side of the porch. There were some wooden chairs along the wall. The white paint on them was faded. Some of the seats were broken. Beside the door was a faded sign. It read "The Bailey Bay Inn" in chipped, black letters. Will peered through one of the dusty windows. There was a narrow opening between the white curtains. He put his face close to the window. All he could see was darkness.
     Just then, Will heard a jingling sound from the far end of the porch. He jerked his head back and looked over. A set of metal wind chimes hung from the roof. They were moving in the chilly breeze. Will shivered. It had become a lot colder outside.
     "Hey! Check this out, dude!" called Kyle from the other end of the porch.
     Will walked over to his friend. Kyle had pushed his sunglasses on top of his head. His blond highlights poked out in front of the glasses. He was looking in one of the windows. His head was right up against the glass. His hands were cupped around his face. There was no curtain on the inside of this window. Will looked in, but he could not see anything.
     "What?" said Will. "I don't see anything."
     "You have to look closer. Do what I'm doing," said Kyle.
     Will leaned in close to the window and cupped his hands around his face. "Oh yeah, there's some stuff in there."
     "Yeah, and look over in the far corner." Kyle tapped the glass with his finger. There was a huge square object near the far wall.
     "It's a pinball machine, dude!" Kyle said.
     "Oh yeah...cool," Will said.
     "I want to check it out."
     "What? When?" said Will.
     "Now. No one's around. We could find a way to get in and look around in there."
     "Oh, sure. How are we going to do that?"
     "Follow me," said Kyle. The two boys ducked back under the yellow tape. They walked around to the back of the old hotel. A dirt driveway ran down the side of the building. It had rained earlier. The ground was damp and smelled like worms. The grass between the old tire ruts was overgrown with high weeds. They brushed against Will's jeans as he walked down the path.
     "Look at that window," said Kyle. He pointed up to the second floor. "It's open."
     All the other windows were closed. All the other windows had curtains that were drawn shut. The open window had curtains too, but they were pulled back. The boys could see into the darkness of the room.


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